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As 2r. :r:ntL:i'-e 'x rr.r^ t I'.ii'^c- C'j'i.k 2r nii*- ; t»*;'j*.ec t'-c*'-*^i.- w-e retLftrr.'^er ierrefr rL''»:i v.t :wt frieiti-j n. ret-itit:!?' * "* vi '.^t**: o:.:-'aKiVL :t: tiie :#er'"" --'i' 'JC "j^^-- te'-M^er. T:ie :-i i y^iM *ry vi/:: a.iit :r^Lt a.tit »e v*re i.'rrx.zir 'XL ttie Hijei 'j: a '.t^i^-v • . *x z^j-'iv: 'X V9:'^ " • V •• a iit'rv* v£:..ieTi :*e:v>>ei. Generic Bentyl 7 'i* •^-"w: »*r^ i:t:*T»er j:ii Dicyclomine Bentyl a.iit vt: -'r 'y-.i.*:t.- t*** Tc:o-ts t/'j tet :re*:'*. a-'i- "'^ iii'^yt-Tir T?ai Generic For Bentyl p-a'j:r^ y vv t rajtiL. It fit 'xx.vx\ v5 '.'i* .' ". a *e;'- Ti'X virt t a'i''-.'*?t Bentyl 20mg i.'iC riir -la'i: ir:^'L vz^^t »*: v.*r* » ^ - 'V. 'I* ^^I't^*- ■♦•i.* •-••%» *H^ * mftr <- ■' ^ ^x^ ^.ij^i- «<-.. J » J *»'ire'e '^ur rj..*j* i*^ i.tiC w a ivv. var-i ir jei«x't'- aM 'x^:^'." O.--' :_T iatJt.e ti-_- v Bentyl Price iV • be f -•.•*et a ', .a*, i.vxi'- i^e ' r^^c. jat -_ie t'-T- 5^ - t-i a rjL t--e 'x ^6 BAILY S MAGAZINE. [January so later another rose, and also a partridge from the same spot, and he was lucky enough to get Bentyl 10 Mg them both with a very good right and left. All were young but well-grown and fully developed birds. But as a counterpoise to that experience we had another and less fortunate one in Dumfriesshire a week later. We were shooting homeward towards evening over a large extent of hill face, covered partly with Bentyl Syrup bracken and partly with rough grass, when eight old blackcock rose about a hundred and fifty or two hundred yards out, making in the light of the Bentyl Dicyclomine setting sun, as they circled high in the air, a fine study in black and white. After flying a comparatively short distance, an unusual thing for them towards the end of September, they alighted on a slope or face above us which caught a reddish light from the setting sun, Bentyl 10mg and on which we could distinctlv see them walk- It ing about like Spanish hens in a farmyard. There were four guns, and we determined to try to stalk them, or rather to make a com- bined stalk and impromptu drive ; so two guns were despatched to make a detour to the right as quickly as possible, in order to take them in the rear, protected by the brow and shoulder of the hill, while the remaining two guns were posted in the hollow formed by a small stream, shaded by mountain birch here and there. Up the stream we cautiously crept, to the point where we thought it likely the line of their flight across us would be. Vain quest 1 For, although our combined stalk and drive were not unskilfully carried out, they com- pletely failed by reason of the superior alertness of our quarry, and all that was left to us were one or two " wild " shots as, hav- ing seen or scented the beaters from far, the birds rose again high in the air, and swept out of sight over a distant hill. Our best individual experience on that particular ground was on . one occasion two years ago, when three guns, shooting over dogs, got a good rise of blackcock in bracken, and had six birds down at once ; but one may have many good walks there before exactly repeating that experience. As showing the grand uncer- tainty in shooting, as in other sports, a friend of mine, who shoots a great deal and is an ex- cellent shot, brought down at the place I have referred to a very fine blackcock over 80 Bentyl Mg yards out from the spot from which he fired, but on another occasion he rather reversed the figure by missing an old cock which must have been asleep in the bracken, and rose just at his feet — only on the latter occasion the fatal pipe was in his mouth, and Bentyl Generic both barrels went off harmlessly as the old gentleman of the forked tail sailed majestically away ! A rather curious incident happened some time ago on the Moorfoot hills in Midlothian, close to the Peeblesshire border, which illus- trates at once the weight of a full-grown blackcock, his mamtn- tum when going down wind and the difliculty which the size and conformation of the tail occasions to the bird in steering his Buy Bentyl Online flight. During a high wind a shepherd was passing over the top of a hiU in the face of the gale when he suddenly received a blow on the face which knocked him down and stunned him. On recovering himself and looking about for his cap and crook he found that he had been felled by Bentyl Cost a blackcock which was lying close beside him quite Bentyl 20 dead, the breast of the bird having apparently Order Bentyl in its flight i899] THE BLACKCOCK Bentyl Tablets AND CAPERCAILZIE IN SCOTLAND* 37 come Buy Bentyl straight into contact with his temple !